Home Contact FAQs


Some of the most commonly asked questions with answers​

​How do I know what the Town Council is doing?

Town Council meetings are open to the public to attend. Agendas of meetings are put on the notice boards at Town Hall and in Falkland Square at least 3 working days before the meeting and are also published on the Town Council’s website. Voting at meetings is by a show of hands, so can be seen by everyone present. Following each meeting the minutes are made available for anyone to read in the Town Council Offices and on the Town Council website. Generally, Town Council and Committee meetings are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel for public viewing. Recording meetings is not, however, a requirement and very occasionally we may encounter technical difficulties preventing this from happening.

Who takes the decisions?

Town Council decisions must be made by Councillors in a formal meeting, which has been properly convened and publicised. An individual Councillor cannot make a decision or tell Town Council employees what to do. The Town Clerk is an employee of the Town Council and has overall responsibility for the day-to day running of the Council and can make some decisions if they are in accordance with agreed policy and within budget. The Town Clerk also manages a team of staff working under the policy direction of the Council.

How do I submit a question for a council meeting?

​Questions for council meetings can be submitted in advance of the meeting to towncouncil@crewkerne-tc.gov.uk.  If they are submitted three clear working days in advance of the meeting, staff and councillors aim to provide a response in the meeting.  A question can be raised in the Public Open Forum without prior notice, but may be referred to the Town Clerk for a response within 10 working days.​

​How can I hire a Town Council room or venue?

The following rooms and venues are available for hire from Crewkerne Town Council:

  • Beech Suite, George Reynolds Centre
  • Oak Room, George Reynolds Centre
  • Victoria Hall
  • Council Chamber

For assistance with bookings, hourly rates and general booking enquiries please email towncouncil@crewkerne-tc.gov.uk or call 01460 74001.

How can I get a stall at the market?​

If you would like a stall at the weekly Wednesday Market in front of Town Hall, please email towncouncil@crewkerne-tc.gov.uk.

The monthly Farmers’ Market is run by Somerset Farmers Markets – contact them directly via their website.

​How do I view a planning application? ​

Planning applications can be viewed through Somerset Council’s planning portal.  Search for an application here.  ​For large scale developments Council staff will usually seek to obtain large scale hard copy plans which are put on display for the public to examine in the Local Information Centre.

​When will my rubbish be collected?​

You can check up to date waste collection dates here https://www.somersetwaste.gov.uk/

​How much do councillors get paid?​

Town Councillors do not get paid or receive any allowances towards their Town Council duties.  ​

Who is responsible for the public toilets?

​Falkland Square toilets are maintained by the Town Council. They are cleaned daily by our contractor. If you notice a problem, please report it to us on 01460 74001.

How do I pay my Council tax bill?

Council tax is paid to Somerset Council and can be paid by direct debit, over the phone, or online. Unfortunately, at Town Hall we are not able to take payments for Council tax. For more information visit their website: www.somerset.gov.uk, or telephone 01935 462462.

What is a precept and how is it calculated?

The precept is the amount of money that the council requires from council tax to meet its annual budget. Local councils do not receive any direct funding from central government, therefore are reliant on the local precept and any other income they generate from the services or facilities that they provide.

The Town Council is required (in law) to agree a budget before it can set its precept. When calculating the precept, the Council takes into consideration the current year’s spend and the services it provides e.g. asset maintenance, grants, events, provision for reserves and income. The budget is discussed at various stages before it is set at Council meetings which are open to the public.

Once the budget and precept have been approved for the following financial year, the Town Council informs Somerset Council which collects the precept on our behalf. The Crewkerne Town Council precept is included in your council tax. Further details about the Town Council’s budget and precept are available in the ‘Finance’ section of this website.

4 November 2021
Last Updated
31 January 2025