Interested in local democracy? Want to find out more about how decisions are made in your town and local area? Would you like to contribute to how the Town’s open spaces, facilities and venues are run?
Crewkerne Town Council has a vacancy for one Councillor to be filled by co-option. You can find out more about what’s involved and meet the staff and existing Councillors by coming to one of our informal ‘Meet Us’ sessions listed below – we will put the kettle on and happily answer questions about the role.
‘MEET US’ sessions
- Thursday 15th February 2024: 10.30-11.30am, Council Chamber @ Town Hall (enter via LIC)
- Monday 19th February 2024: 7-8pm, Council Chamber @ Town Hall (please ring bell on red side door)
- Tuesday 12th March 2024: 2-3pm, Council Chamber @ Town Hall (please ring bell on red side door)
If you can’t make any of these sessions, there is always the Councillor surgery on Saturday 17th February where Councillors Steve Ashton and Teresa Bond will be on hand to chat to you and answer questions. This is between 10.30-12 noon in the Local Information Centre at the front of Town Hall.
You can download the application pack below or hard copies can be collected from LIC/Town Hall. Completed applications should be returned to the Town Clerk by 5pm on Friday 15th March, and will be considered at the Full Council meeting at 18.45 on Monday 25th March 2024.