The Local Government Transparency Code 2015 requires town and parish councils which have a gross annual income or expenditure (whichever is higher) exceeding £200,000 to publish certain information to ensure local people can now see and access data covering; how money is spent, use of assets, decision making and issues important to local people. Crewkerne Town Council meets the definition of a local authority covered by the requirements of the code.
In accordance with the code, Crewkerne Town Council makes the following information available:
Expenditure over £500 (published at least quarterly)
A complete schedule of payments showing all payments to be approved by Council can be found in the Agenda Pack for each Full Council meeting here –
The Accounts for Payment for each month are also all available here – Expenditure – Crewkerne Town Council (
Payments in excess of £500 prior to April 2021 are available here – Payments Over £500 – Crewkerne Town Council (
Procurement Information (published at least quarterly)
Details of any contract, commissioned activity, purchase order, framework agreement or any other legally enforceable agreement with a value that exceeds £5,000 will appear here at the end of each financial year (starting 2022/23).
Local Authority Land (published at least annually)
A list of land and building assets under the control of Crewkerne Town Council can be found in our asset register here – Finance – Crewkerne Town Council (
Further details available here:
Grants to Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations (published at least annually)
Grants awarded by Crewkerne Town Council are listed each year here – Grants – Crewkerne Town Council (
Crewkerne Town Council’s Grants Application Policy can also be found in the main Governance and Policy section of this site.
Organisation Structure & Salaries (published at least annually)
The Town Council does not employ any members of staff with a salary in excess of £50,000 p/a.
The current organisational structure of the Town Council:

Organisational structure chart (up to date as of November 2024).
Parking Spaces (published at least annually)
The Town Council has an estimated 35 controlled pay and display parking spaces in one off street car park in Crewkerne and 6 free time-limited parking spaces located in front of Town Hall.
Details of the parking account can be found here:
Pay Multiple (published at least annually)
Trade Union Facility Time (published at least annually)
Crewkerne Town Council has no members of staff engaged in activity as union representatives.
Constitution (published at least annually)
Key documents relating to the governance of the Council are published here: Governance and Policy – Crewkerne Town Council (
Existing Waste Contracts (published once)
Details of payments for waste collections are published in our monthly accounts for payments (see link above) and our contractors involved with waste collections are:
- Paperchase Recycling
- Biffa
Not applicable to Crewkerne Town Council:
The following are not applicable to Crewkerne Town Council and therefore no information is published:
- Government Procurement Card transactions (CTC does not use this system)
- Social Housing Assets (CTC does not hold any social housing stock)
- Fraud (CTC has no staff members engaged in undertaking fraud investigation work)
Crewkerne Town Council complies with the requirements of the code by publishing the above information on its website. Hard copies are available on request in accordance with the Council’s Publication Scheme (Governance and Policy – Crewkerne Town Council (
Full details of the code can be obtained here: Local government transparency code 2015 – GOV.UK (